I love to save images of beautifully decorated cakes and since I feel like we could all use a little distraction these days, I’ve decided to round-up some of those images and share them here. Growing up my mom used to make me elaborately decorated birthday cakes and when I would go to sleep I would ask her to tell me “the story of my cakes”, which was basically her describing each one, for each year. When I bake, I focus more on the function than the form but my tween daughter enjoys making fun creations – maybe it skipped a generation. Here are some beautiful cakes I’ve seen around:

Images: Orange Cake via Pinterest, Milk and Cookies Cake via Style Sweet, Flower Cake via Pinterest, Sparkler Cake via The Story of a Cake, Black Forest Naked Cake via What Charlotte Baked, Purple Sweet Potato Cake via Curly Girl Kitchen, Pom Pom Cake via CakesByCourtney, Carrot Cake with Natural Wreath Decoration via Dans de Lakehouse, Pistachio Cake with Honey Rosewater Buttercream via Food Dutchess, Raspberry and Chocolate-Hazelnut Crepe Cake via Martha Stewart, Naked Dark Chocolate Cake with Cream Cheese via JerneJKitchen, London Fog Cake with Earl Gray Buttercream & Salted Caramel via Style Sweet