Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to sign up for my 12-week online course “Discover & Create A More Fulfilled Life” until I teach it again in the Fall of 2021.
Create community & intention in your life this coming year. This year has brought so much to the forefront, continue on that path with intention, joy and community alongside others who are on a similar journey.
All of these items are available on my online store GatherGoodsCo.com. Everything on the site is “Free Shipping” for the holidays. If you are local you can shop our open by appointment only online shop showroom by sending me an email. We also offer free contact-less curbside pickup and free delivery within 5 miles of our downtown Cary, NC location. Happy gifting.
You’ll still be able to register for the course through December 15th (but it will be full price.)
This 12-Week Online Course Runs from January 21st-April 8th 2021There are Limited Spots Available. It is Only Offered Once A Year.
I’ve worked really hard to create an experience that allows you to gently excavate the things you aren’t able to access every day. Also, this is not a business course. It is for anyone who is seeking more clarity in their lives and looking for positive change.
As I’ve gotten older my tastes have evolved and I’m less interested in making the status quo and I’m more interested in shifting tradition slightly and improving upon it. While pumpkin pie is a classic, it has felt a little bland to me in recent years. So this year, while we have Thanksgiving at home with just the three of us, we are going to change the traditional pumpkin pie to pumpkin cheesecake and make it in individual sizes for extra appeal. I recommend topping each mini cheesecake with whipped cream and sugared pecans. Because, you know, calories don’t matter on Thanksgiving, right?!
I posted recently about an amazing vegetarian mushroom stuffing recipe that I’ve been making for the past few years for our annual Friendsgiving (skipping this year for obvious reasons). I mistakenly said that it was vegan but if you are looking to make it vegan there are a few easy swaps: instead of butter I would use either vegetable stock or vegan butter and there is another part where the bread uses an egg as a binder, I read that flaxseed or tapioca starch would work as a binder replacement. I haven’t tried either but would love to hear if you do.
Vegetarian Stuffing Recipe with Mushroom and Wild Leeks
What do you think? Does this sound like a recipe you might try? If you love mushrooms (which I know is controversial) then you will love this dish. It’s great to bring to a potluck where you know there will be vegetarians in attendance as well.
I am so grateful that I have had something to focus on to help distract me from this crazy year.
Over the past six months, I have been hard at work turning the course I created: Discover & Create A More Fulfilled Life, into a fully ONLINE course. It has been a labor of love and not a small task and I am SO excited that it is out in the world.
This course was created to help you figure out what matters to you most by accessing what is hidden below the surface, letting go of the things that aren’t serving you, creating a clear vision and creating actionable steps once you’ve achieved that clarity of purpose.
I know that it can be hard sometimes to discern your own voice or know what’s next in a noisy world. This course is intended to cut through that. It is what I have learned through my own experience and that which I’ve taught others over the years. Over the twelve-week course, you will learn: who you are, what you value, what your dreams are, what you need to let go of, why it matters, and how to bring it all together.
The course is 12-weeks and runs from January 21st-April 8, 2021. There are only a limited number of spots available and it will only be offered once a year. Registration ends December 15th and if you sign-up before November 23rd and use coupon code: DISCOVER you’ll get $50 off.