Last fall I met Carley Summers on a panel at Highpoint Market where we were both speaking about styling and photography tips. Carley travels the world photographing homes for clients but is based in Greenville, North Carolina. She’s created a cozy home that she photographs beautifully. I recently touched based and asked her to briefly answer a few questions on what she is up to currently and how she creates a cozy home.

What makes a cozy home: Making a home cozy includes layers, textures, and placement of things that you enjoy. It doesn’t have to mean big knitted blankets, and perfect comfy settings.

How do you make your house a sanctuary: I create special sitting areas where the light in my home hits just right. It gives me a sense of peace and calm.

How does living in rural North Carolina influence your work/perspective: Life is slower here, which I like! There is a way of life in eastern NC that lends itself to a design that is easy, but I enjoy bringing in my own influence of travel and design into it.

What are things you are doing at home these days to nourish yourself: I am working on personal home projects, and searching for pieces for my clients as well! I am also taking time in the mornings to pray, and really search this time for my why and why there is such a huge pause in my life and the world around me.

Do you have a schedule, are you sticking to it: Waking up at 8, having coffee, checking emails, then house work is keeping busy and on a schedule. Also, since I can’t work with my clients, and employees, I am setting up calls each day to keep things running in my business.

What is on your schedule: There is a lot strategizing going on, and I am working on a personal project that needs a lot of attention, which helps! Also, virtual calls with my clients and touching base with their needs each day.

Do you have any book/tv/movie/podcast/music recommendations: Right now I am reading the book of Acts. It’s helping me realize all that I can do and serve others from the comfort of my own home. I am also watching A LOT of chopped, instead of pointless tv to inspire me with home meals. Also cleaning my home to French jazz music has become a little joy during the days.
Images via Carley’s instagram account here,