As promised, here are photos from the wonderfully eclectic, art-and-portrait filled home of artist Lucy Kagan and her parents in Raleigh, North Carolina. Lucy is the instructor of the upcoming Journaling class at Gather on Thursday March 27th at 6:30pm. You can register for the the class here.

When I was here taking photos, Lucy’s Dad, a landscape designer and violin instructor, was in his basement workshop making new wooden steps for an outdoor walking path. Her mom, also a landscape designer, was at work but her presence was felt in the lush native gardens surrounding the property and in block prints of hers dotting the walls of the home.

This home previously belonged to Lucy’s Grandparents who, before living here, hailed from Massachusetts and spent part of the year there and the other half in the West Indies. The home is filled with portraits and paintings many of which were made by and feature family members. In addition, there are Meyer lemon trees and an abundance of well-loved houseplants and collected ephemera throughout the home.

Next up I’ll show a few pictures from their yard. Though there aren’t a ton of blooms to show since spring is still emerging, I can only imagine how lush and inspiring their cultivated patch of land around their home is in just a month from now.
Photos by Michelle Smith for Gather Goods Co.