Geometric metal jewelry is a trend that I don’t see going away any time soon. There is something earthy and beautiful about the juxtaposition of raw metal shaped into new forms. Make your own set of beautiful geometric stud earrings at Gather in downtown Cary on Thursday April 11th at 6:30pm with metalsmith Sonya of Metamorphosis Metals. In this hands-on workshop Sonya, a twenty year jewelry making veteran, will be teaching how to cut, shape, hammer and solder. Hope to see you there. You can register for the class here.
Images: Geometric Totem Shaped Earrings by Rare Bird, Brass and Silver Earrings & Brass Moon Earrings by Undergrowth Studios, Geometric Stud Earrings by Metamorphosis Metals, Brass Arch Studs by Kiki Koyote,Large hoop earrings by Annie Costello Brown