Recent Exploring Around Town, Raleigh, NC

Croissant at Boulted Bread in Raleigh, NC | Gather Goods Co

One of my favorite indulgences comes from Boulted Bread here in Raleigh, NC. Their ham & cheese croissant is heaven in a flaky, buttery crust that crumbles into a messy but delicious heap. They recently got named one of the best bakeries in the U.S. by Bon Appetit and for good reason.

Oak City Cycling at Boulted Bread, Raleigh, NC | Gather Goods Co

I spotted Gather’s neighbors, Oak City Cycling there on a recent weekday morning before we all began our work shifts about a mile away on Franklin Street.

Preserved Creatures at Holder Goods, Raleigh, NC | Gather Goods Co

Next door to Boulted Bread is Holder Goods, a wonderfully eclectic shop filled with vintage ephemera and beautifully curated vignettes.

Preserved Creatures at Holder Goods, Raleigh, NC | Gather Goods Co

I especially love these preserved creatures cast in resin blocks that I spotted there.

Summer Porch | Gather Goods Co

Summer is on its way out, though the weather has yet to turn and my porch is still holding on to the season …

North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, NC | Gather Goods Co

On the days when the weather dips down into the eighties you have to leave the house and get outside because it is a rarity. Somehow despite living here fifteen years, I always forget that the weather stays in the nineties from June through the end of September. On the last nice day, my family and I explored the North Carolina Art Museum and walked their grounds.

North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, NC | Gather Goods Co

The museum already has an impressive outdoor area with walking trails that are dotted with sculptures and interactive buildings but is in the process of adding on even more with an unveiling in early November.

Market Imports, Raleigh, NC | Gather Goods Co Another fun place to explore is Market Imports near the Farmers Market. The shop is filled with garden pots, and imported home decor mostly made of iron, metals and wood.

What have you explored recently in the Triangle?

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